100% Riciclo is an app to help citizens and businesses manage separate waste collection in all its aspects. 100% Riciclo aims to achieve the maximum possible goals in terms of percentage of differentiated waste.
100% Recycling is the right app for you if you need to find answers to the following problems.
Find out how to differentiate a single waste or a category of waste.
Know the closest collection points, see them on the map and find the path to reach them.
Understanding how separate waste collection is organized.
Know the door-to-door collection calendar and the opening hours of the collection centers.
Set up and receive daily notifications regarding the next day's door-to-door collection.
Save personal reminders related to the theme of separate collection.
Receive all this information in a personalized way based on your fraction of residence and your type of user (domestic, non-domestic). Manage different collection profiles (personal one, that of your company, that of a relative) and be able to easily switch from one profile to another.
Send reports via email to the entity that manages separate waste collection.
Have the contact information of the entities that manage separate waste collection at hand.
For information, write to: https://www.esacom.it/